(3/1/95) v3.07 PC-Draft-CAD Registration/Order form -------------------------------------------- The license for the registered version of PC-Draft-CAD costs $65.00. You will receive the latest software, illustrated reference manual, tutorial manual, font and object libraries, and these bonuses: BONUS 1 - FREE!! -- You get a free introductory subscription to Compuserve Information Service - the biggest national BBS! You get a private user ID and Password, a $15 usage credit (up to 2 1/2 hours connect time at 2400 baud), a complimentary subscrition to their monthly computing magazine: 'Compuserve'. BONUS 2! -- You get a sharware evaluation copy of TSRPLOT and PLOT-LINE. TSRPLOT and PLOT-LINE are TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) utilities that plot on HPGL plotters in the background while you perform other tasks with your computer. Please send ______ copies of the latest version of PC-Draft-CAD to: Name: _____________________________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________ State:____ Zip:____________ Telephone: (______) ______-__________ Payment of $____________ [ ] check enclosed [ ] VISA [ ] MC [ ] AMEX card #:______________________________________ Exp. Date:___________ Signature:_________________________________________________________ Disk size: 5.25 [ ] 3.5 [ ] I got my Shareware copy from: _____________________________________ Mail to: Natural Software 19 South 5th. Street St. Charles, Illinois 60174 Please add $5.00 handling fee for Purchase Orders, COD & foreign orders. To order by phone (VISA/MC/AMEX), or for quantity discounts and site license information call: (708) 377-7320 Users in the United Kingdom should register with our UK distributor : ElectronArt Design Ltd Please call for price in pounds 78 Kimberley Avenue sterling or mail/FAX the Order Form. ILFORD ESSEX IG2 7AS ENGLAND Phone/FAX 081-983 8686 [24hr] Please supply a Pro-Forma Invoice [ ] E-mail CIS 100023,1267